Hua Hin has only two seasons - the wet and the dry. Between November and May the weather is mostly dry with little rain expected for much of this time.
Wet season in Hua Hin occurres between May and October. Despite being on the Gulf of Thailand coastline, Hua Hin experiences slightly different rain patterns than other east coast destinations with serious rainfall only occurring in September and October.
Overall weather conditions in Hua Hin
✦-perfect ✦-very good ✦-good ✦-uncomfy ✦-better stay home!
The best time to avoid rain in Hua Hin
✦ - chance of getting wet is close to minimum
✦ - a bit of rain every few days might be expected
✦ - the rain isn't constant and long lasting, if any
✦ - chances of rainy day are higher than 50/50
✦ - not only umbrella can be handy, boat too!
Weather of Thailand regions
Thailand is big and at the same time the weather may vary a lot in different regions of the country. If you are planning to visit other parts of the country too, check what is the weather in all Thailand regions.
Thailand weather by month
Thailand weather changes significantly throughout the year. Check Thailand weather by month and get an idea what weather should be expected at the time of your visit.
The best time to visit Thailand
The peak tourism season of Thailand is the cool season lasting from November to February when the weather is coolest and driest but the country can be visited outside the peak tourism season - just choose the best time for your Thailand trip plan!